Sunday, July 19, 2020

A Breathless 95th Birthday.

Well tomorrow is the big day. July 20, 2020. I will be 95. Bread was a nickel and gasoline was eleven cents when I was born.

My big birthday party was held yesterday. Grand daughter Joy and two boys drove four hours. Grand daughter Katie and daughter stayed for the night. Katie's husband Justin drove the jet ski. We had a nice group of nine. I got all kinds of attention and love. I was made to feel important. Bless them all! I have attached some photos below to give you an idea of party day. It was a wonderful day.

My heartfelt thanks to all for the cards and the Facebook happy birthday wishes. I love you all. Thanks to my daughter Kerry and her husband John for planning and hosting my birthday party.

Just a word about my breathlessness. I can only take a dozen steps before I am winded and have to stop for a moment and catch my wind. I suspect one of my new meds (recently prescribed might be a cause) but I am sure that the tumor in my left lung is a cause. I had no idea that being breathless could be so uncomfortable.  Back to the drawing board.

I do not know these people!

Monday, July 6, 2020

The end of the trail.

Eighty years ago. I was 15. I bought a car and started driving. No license!

That was the start of my driving. I have had a wonderful eighty years driving. I like to drive. After eighty years I have been grounded. Let me tell you how traumatic an experience it is to stop driving after 80 years. You feel like a prisoner. I can not tell you of the hours of anguish I spent over the end of my driving days. Sleepless nights! I can not hop in the car and go to Taco Bell, barbers, or anywhere,  on the spur of the moment. I do have drivers however. They are nice. Thank goodness. I ride a lot as a passenger. I enjoy being a passenger. I have had an offer for a chauffeur to California!

I will get used to this new life. It has advantages. I get to look around and see the country as we drive along. I get dropped off at the store door often. And picked up.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

I do not worry about bridge rails anymore!

I was informed by my family that they thought that driving was getting too hard for the old Prunepicker. Mostly because of poor eyesight, but also paying attention. They will furnish me a chauffeur whenever I want to go somewhere. I think that is very kind of them and I sincerely thank them for the offer. I am a lot of trouble and they are so kind.

I do not think that their offer includes a tour of the West Coast.

Always be nice to your daughter. Someday she may be in charge of your wheelchair!