Tuesday, June 30, 2020

I scrapped my car on a bridge guard!

Four inches to the left and I would have missed it. But I did not miss it and now have a couple thousand dollars worth of body work to get done. I know that I have some descendants who are considering asking for my car keys. In 80 years of driving a car I have had only 2 or 3 accidents that were chargeable to me. In my 14 years in Ruston I had one. I drove over a small tree laying across the road in a storm at night. I did have several bad accidents in Ruston. Twice while parked at Jefferson Corner and inside having coffee my car was badly mauled by fellow customers. I was front ended by deer twice. The last deer accident did $8000 damage!

I have several loving descendants who are considering asking me to turn in my car key. This has been on their minds even before this accident with the bridge yesterday.

I have had a very good record over those 80 years of driving. BUT, what is important is my present condition and ability. I am 95 years old. A little senile. My eyesight is terrible, especially in the dark. My reaction and coordination is not great.

I believe it s time to severely limit my driving. As of now I am retiring a large part of of my car key. I will only drive locally, in the day time, over easy simple routes, and very carefully.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

In the shade!

I am really in the shade all the time in my new RV Park. My front door is twice as far from my daughter's front door as it was in my old RV Park. Probably fifty feet instead of 25. I can still make it!

There is a nice view of the lake beyond my parking place. 

John and I left Ruston last Thursday morning. Our faithful driver pulled my trailer behind us. After a four plus hour drive we arrived at 41770 Estate Drive, Franklinton, LA 70438. John and I do not plan to ever move again. We are around ten miles north of Franklinton, Louisiana and five mile south of Tylertown, Mississippi.

I know that you realize what an experience this is for me after 14 years in Ruston. Please stop by if you are ever this way.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Precious memories! My last Tuesday morning breakfast with Tommy.

Friends and the Ledford family hosted a wonderful alfresco breakfast the morning. Here are some pics taken by my good friend John Roebuck. I have added some of my pics. These are of dear friends of my Ruston years. Some have threatened me with visits to Franklinton. Gee! I hope they do.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Tuesday morning breakfast with Tommy Ledford.

For 11 or 12 years I have had Tuesday breakfast with Tommy Ledford. They were mostly at the VFW Post. Tommy was somewhat the inspiration for the breakfast and the food (delicious!) was prepared by his offspring. This has come to an end because you know why. (whatever 19) During my years in Ruston I probably had a couple thousand meals with Tommy. We sat at the same table at Senior Lunch.

Well!!! We going to have it one more time. Tuesday morning (June 16) at 7 am in Tommy's from yard there is going to be one last (for me) Tuesday morning breakfast with Tommy. It will be in conjunction with the opportunity for people to wish the old Prunepicker good luck on his Thursday move to Franklinton.

Tommy is an unforgettable character and it is a pleasure to know him.

Good cooks!

This lady can really cook bacon.

This pic does not have anything to do with Tuesday breakfast. I just like the pic of Tommy with a fan.

We look mad in this older pic.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thanks to Ruston for 14 wonderful years!

I have had 14 wonderful years in Ruston. I have made so many friends and had what I think were great adventures. I am so thankful for them except for the passing of Jackie, my wife of 63 tears, the first year we were here. Kerry and John, my daughter and son-in-law, have given me a spot for my trailer in their yard all these years. Here is a picture of the view from the back of my trailer.

What a nice trailer spot. One of the prettiest that I have ever had.

Unfortunately my time here is coming to an end. John and Kerry are moving 248 miles south to Franklinton. They will be ten miles from their only grand daughter, Johnny Lynn. Next Thursday, June 18, 2020 I will be moving my trailer to their new yard. Their new house is on a 110 acre lake.

During these last 14 years I have made many trips. Four to the East Coast. One to place Jackie's ashes in our bury spot in the Arlington National Cemetery and one trip to place the ashes of Christopher my oldest son in the burial plot with his Mother. Made a trip to the home of my first American grandfather. He moved over here from England around 1625. He is buried in Newhaven, CN. I made more trips than that to the West Coast.

During these 14 years I was a repeat attendee at many civil functions. Morning coffee meetings, VFW meetings, Louisiana Tcch sports events, and for 13 years I attended swim class at Tech. I made dozens of good friends. I know the faces of several hundred people that I attended functions with for many years. Knew the names of many.

My first foray into the social life pf Ruston was attending early (like 5 am) coffee at the Jefferson Corner service station and convenience store. These coffee meetings went for hours with attendees coming and going. Seated would be 10 to 25 people. We settled a lot of problems and fought many battles. Once in a while there would be some gossiping.

This is the crew that ran Jefferson Corner. They became lifelong friends of mine. I fell in love with them. Two daughters and a Mom. Visiting 2 hours a day, five days a week, for ten years makes it possible to form a lot of friendships and to fall in love.

Another group I was part of is the local chapter of the VFW.

This plumber and I served at Camp Cooke, California for a period of several months in 1943.

I am a member in good standing of the Cook Baptist First Thursday Pot Luck.

I also attend Saturday Breakfast at the old Unionville Store.

We did not have enough to eat in Ruston. So three times this young man drove a car full of us hungry guys to Does Eat Place in Greenville, MS. Part of the charm of Does is the armed guard at the door. It is 150 miles to Greenville.

I was a student at Louisiana Tech. I carried three units in swimming. Swam three days a week for13 years. I was scheduled to graduate in 17 more years. I met my teacher out of class at a football game. I fell in love with her too.

Jewrtt and Sue Farley even took me to the Bean Fest in Mountain View, AK. Music and outhouse races added to the good times.

They also took me to the Country Club for Sunday Brunch. That is Jewett and Sue at each end of the table. A grand daughter and a sister fill up the group.

I served on the board of the local Council on Aging for several years. I enjoyed having lunch at the Senior Center. Made many friends.

It is with a heavy heart that I bid farewell to my life in Ruston. But I am sure that I will enjoy Franklinton. Watching gradchildren and visitors swim in the lake.. I am staying with the same VA doctor in Monroe. I will come back once a year for a physical. I plan to stay several days and do lots of visiting. A huge part of my life is invested in Ruston.

Bless you all and thanks from the bottom of my heart for being so nice to me.