Tuesday noon I had a sharp pain (5 or 6) in my left chest. (Heart attack?) So off to the emergency room.
The usual stuff was done. Vital signs, ekg, chest X-ray, blood work. After a while I was checked into a room.
I have had pleurisy pains all my life. This pain was more like that and not like a heart attack. I have had both. The pain diminished through the night. Only hurt when I inhaled. (?) Before breakfast it was gone. About midnight I had laid on my left side and had a pain of 8 or 9. Ouch!
In the afternoon I had a fancy cat scan. With fluid added to blood stream. The scan is to find any blood clots. No clots. But a dark spot was found in the left chest.
I am at home and I am scheduled for a procedure to get a biopsy sample of the dark spot (tumor?) next Wednesday at the VA Hospital in Shreveport. Hope it is not malignant.
So I went to fix a heart attack and instead found a revolting development in my left lung.