Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Visiters from Pomona. Dan and Dianna.

The distance from Pomona, California to Ruston, Louisiana is 1660 miles. It is not everyday that we have visitors from Pomona. (I was born and raised in Pomona) But yesterday my nephew Dan and wife Dianna Butcher stopped by.

They are driving to Florida to get on a cruise to the Panama Canal. We took a break during an eight hour conversation to visit the Ponchatoula  Restaurant for cajun food. It was the first time for Dan to eat fried green tomatoes. I love them.

Seated around the table is Diana, Dan, daughter Kerry, great-grandson Ethan, and son in law John.

Below is a selfie taken on the streets of Ruston.

What a nice visit. The Butchers will be back to Ruston to attend my 95th birthday party in July (about four months). It is 146 days to my birthday.

You are invited!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Rosa is so small.

Rosa is in the advanced stage of Alzheimer's. I have visited her once or twice a month for three or four years. Yesterday was my first visit in six weeks. I was startled by how small she is. Alzheimer is not only stealing her mind it is also stealing her body.

This is a photo that Tina took yesterday.

This photo is from two years ago'

This photo (with her daughters Tina and Rhonda) was taken six years ago.

Rosa was a good sized beautiful woman. She is still beautiful but smaller and fragile. I loved her then (and my wife Jackie) and I love her now. It is so sad to see her fade away. Alzheimer's is terrible.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Saturday breakfast in the old Unioville Store, Dubac, Louisiana.

This is such a good time over bacon and eggs. I enjoy listening to these old friends exchange history and local news events. Here is a late photo of the Unionville Score. It sold lots of groceries in its day. Richard Jones can recall stocking the shelves. He is present owner of the property and a regular at the Saturday breakfast.

This old wood-stove heats the place. There is much discussion about when and how much fuel to add. I enjoy sitting by it and looking at the flames.

Typical after breakfast group around the stove.

These two gentlemen were a pitcher/catcher team for Dubach High School 60 years ago. They are still sending each other signals. They are John Jeffcoat and Nicky Davis. They were discussing a pitch when I took this pic.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

My vital signs for January 2020. My only blog post for the month?

I have really cut back on posting to my blog. I am doing about one per week, when I used to do 5 or 6 per week. I just do not seem willing to do the work that is required for a blog post. I guess one a month might be in the future. I will try to do better than that. Need inspiration. Since 2010 I have posted over 3,300 posts, and had 536,000 views of the Prune picker blog.

My weight history is that of a foodaholic who is falling off the wagon. Started month at 219 pounds and ended up at 222 pounds.