Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The old PrunePicker visits the Louisiana Tech Archives. (Whose picture is that on the wall?)

I was at the Archives for a meeting of my Chautauqua group. Nolan Eller is the Louisiana Tech Archivist. What a gracious gentleman. The archives in addition to keeping many precious artifacts safe is a very attractive place. Worth a visit for sure. I would say that Nolan is doing a great service to the people of Louisiana.

  • What is this? A picture of the Louisiana Tech football team the won the 1968 Rice Bowl. Do I know someone that was on that team? I do. I live in a RV parked in his front yard. He is John Morgan Adams. He is the husband of my daughter Kerry. He is in the second row wearing number 35. The equally famous Terry Bradshaw was also on the team and is in the photo. Terry is a gift of the South to the people of the United States. So is John. What a team!

I also have pictures of John on my wall at home. It was exciting to see him on the wall at the official Tech Archives.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Report from great grand daughter Johnny Lynn.

Johnny Lynn is the youngest of my nine great grand kids. She lives in far off Franklinton, Louisiana. Her Mom sends me pictures often so that I can keep up with her.  (pictures are so nice. worth a lot of words)

Johnny Lynn attends Bowling Green School. The school just had homecoming on the schools 50th birthday. Big parade and everything.

Whoops! How did this pic get in here? Poor editing I guess. (poor dental work too)

This is better. JL and Mom Karie.

On to the big parade!

 Recent pic of Dad Justine, Mom Katie, and Johnny Lynn.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Amber McCray packs a computer tablet while on the job.

Amber is the new coach of the volleyball team. I wish her all the best. She is a full time coach every minute when the game is on. That computer gadget is glued to her.

Last game the Tech Band was present. I like the band. They are good and add a lot to the game.

The cheer leaders were there doing a great job. They really work.

How did a belly hipster get in my blog? She won a contest. Never quit until everyone had given up.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Vital Signs for September 2019. Success!

Possibly lost weight to 204 pounds! Hit my lowest weight since my Army days three times. I was discharged at the age of 20.

My goal is 197. That is what I weighed when I got out of the Army. Hope to reach that goal in four or five months.