Monday, February 26, 2018

Great grand son Ethan is installed in the Honor Society.

I am so proud. Ethan is a great guy.

Ethan gets his candle and walks the stage.

Lovely photo of Dana Point.

I really like this photo of Dana Point taken by my grandson Mark. I can remember the harbor when only three or four boats were at anchor out from the beach. There are a lot of boats there now. Over half of the city of Dana Point was vacant lots. It was 100 % vacant lots when Richard Dana first saw Dana Point.

That is San Clemente on down the coast.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Two days of painful hobbling plus one day Gout attack!

I am just recovering from an interesting time with my body. I hate interesting times with my body. Coming down the steps from the bedroom in my fifth wheel trailer I slipped and fell hard. Really twisted my left hip and knee. Went on to swim class that morning and that night's basketball game. By then both hip and knee were so painful I asked my daughter Kerry for her crutches. (she had some from a hip operation)

The next night I developed a terrible pain in the top of my left big toe. (put a band aid on it so that it would not contact my covers).

The next morning I was due to give a blood sample to the VA Clinic in Monroe. I told the nurse that I would like to give the blood, get a flu shot, and also get a shot for the pain in my left big toe. She did the first two and directed me to wait to see a nurse about the big toe.

While I was waiting I suddenly realized that the painful big toe was from a gout attack. 20 or so years ago I had several painful gout attacks. I was directed to take a daily pill of allopurinol. Wonderful! no more gout attacks for twenty years. This recent attack only lasted about 24 hours. The pain went away. My knee and hip got over the fall. Very little pain is so nice.

I have an appointment with Dr Carter (VA) next Thursday.

Thursday, February 8, 2018


I just got some very good news. I went six months early to renew my driver's license. The State issues a new license for six years from your next birthday.

I am now 92 1/2 years old. My new license expiration date is 07-20-2024. That is 6 1/2 years from now. That date is my 99th birthday. Surely the State thinks that I am going to live to 99.

Good! Now I can start making some long range plans. I am looking forward to applying for a new driver's license in 2024. I hope that I do not expire before my driver's license.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Vital Signs for January 2018.

Good month. Weight good. Maybe put on  2 or 3 pounds. Should increase steps up to 3000 at least.