Monday, July 31, 2017


John and I were so excited! There was a beehive in the yard. In good view from the deck and gazebo. We were set to watch the wonders of nature and maybe get some fresh honey. The bee had moved into a squirrel house that John had installed. Look at them swarm.

Then we were so blue. The bees all left. I guess the Queen wanted more privacy. Anyway they are all gone. They did not leave any honey.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

VFW Commander JD Harper brings music to the Dixie.

I spent several delightful hours in Ruston's theatre district last night. VFW Post Commander JD Harper hosted a great musical group, the Southern Classics, at the Dixie last night. The event was a fund raiser for a new building for the local VFW Post. Here are some pictures of the affair. Sorry, no names. The musicians and singers were all very good. I enjoyed the evening. I think that we raised a lot of money too.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Trolley Tour of Louisville, Kentucky.

I went on the Trolley Tour of Louisville while I was attending the TMF Meeting. The Trolley went by many sites of interest. We really did not get out out of the bus (except at Churchill Downs). We slowed down enough to take a picture. The driver kept up a constant stream of information. He was good. He pointed out that 98 per cent of American bourbon is produced in the Louisville area.

Points of interest that the Trolley went by.

Kentucky Colonel Yum Center, Louisville Slugger Museum, Mohamed Ali Center (the most famous native of Louisville), Churchill Downs, and a street of magnificent Victorian Mansions.

Big buildings downtown. From he looks of the cement truck they are building more.

Statue of Thomas Jefferson. Another famous Thomas.

Statue of Louis the IV. A Frenchman I think.

Churchill Downs. They hold horse races here.

It was a fun Trolley ride.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

There is a water fall on the Ohio River?

Yes the river level falls 26 feet going by Louisville. A portage was required until a canal and locks were built in 1830. I heard that it cost one million and took five years to build. Of course this facility has been much improved over the years. The term used is The falls of the Ohio.

A couple miles from my hotel in Clarksville was the Falls of the Ohio Interpretation Center. What a grand thing just full of natural and historical displays. I really enjoyed my time there.

This is a statue of Lewis and Clark. Their historic journey to the Pacific Ocean started here.

I spent some time in the bird watching gallery.

Murals of the Falls of the Ohio.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

My photos of the TMF 2017 Membership Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky.

At the Thomas Munson Foundation (TMF) meeting there was a registration table, name tags, and a goodies bag!

This distinguished looking gentleman is the president of the TMF. Despite the fierce look he is a nice guy!

This guy sure looks patriotic.

My prime rib. Delicious!!

This lady spoke the words of a Cherokee Princess.

This gentleman played the part of Captain Thomas Munson.

The TMF now has a song. We sang it loud and Proud.