Sunday, February 28, 2016

A sunny Sunday morning, a softball game, and cat food.

In a weekend tournament the Techsters had a Sunday morning game with Lamar. I sat in the sunshine next to a fence about 30 feet from first base. I had a good view of the plate and the whole field. And of course a good view of first base.

The game was at 10 am. I was looking forward to a gourmet lunch of John's crawfish. The crawfish feast was in conjunction with a 12th birthday party for my great grand son Ross. I had skipped breakfast so that I could enjoy the party. But after several innings I was famished and my stomach wanted food. I searched the car for a granola bar. No luck! Then I saw a fresh bag of cat food.  Yes I ate some of Patches food. Not bad and the pain went away in my stomach. 

We won in the bottom of the last inning. It was an exciting game and a beautiful warm morning. Incidentally the birthday party for Ross was wonderful.

This beautiful morning game in the sun made up for the cold game reported in my previous post.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Cold softball game.

Should have had the hood on my jacket. Did not, so I pulled my hat down and my collar up.  Seems if it is cold enough to wear the jacket, it is cold enough to use the hood. I am going to snap it back on. The hood is down filled.

The field looks so good with the artificial turf.

The only dirt is in the pitchers box.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

LaTech Percussion Ensemble.

I attended a program of percussion music at Howard Hall last night. I was kinda expecting some Gene Krupa and or Japanese drum music. I got neither, I got something new to me. Something that has been around for a long time. American classical percussion music. Here are some scenes from the performance.

The title of one piece is "Fractalia". The program notes state "The kaleidoscopic fractured melodies within Fractalia are created by passing a repeated figure through four players in different registers of the marimba." I think so.

I repeat. I do not want any more comments about me having no culture.

A Blessed Event!

My cat Patches is expecting soon. However, I might be her human. She came out of the woods and moved in with me.

Based on my experience and examination, I estimate she is going to give birth to four kittens. You can expect complete coverage of this event on the Prune Picker blog.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Memories of Ventura

Isn't this a striking photograph of Ventura? Ventura is on a flat area next to the Pacific Ocean and goes up into the coastal hills. This photo was taken from up in the hills. Ventura is located between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. Ventura played a significant role in my life. This photo  brought back many memories of my family in Ventura. I have many vivid memories of our time in

In November of 1954 Jackie gave birth to our second daughter and our third child, Kerry Lee. At that time we were living in Sacramento. When Kerry was 2 or 3 weeks old I was transferred to the Ventura District of Schlumberger. I was 29 and had worked for Schlumberger for four years.

We lived in a motel in Ventura or several weeks. Kerry's bed was a dresser drawer. She now has a king size bed.

We were in Ventura for a little more than a year. I was then transferred to Santa Maria to be a Station Manager. We stayed in Santa Maria long enough for our son Michael Kevin to be born on July 4, 1955. (Back to two diaper pails.) Soon I was transferred to Newhall, California to be a District Manager.

You can understand why this time was an exciting time in my life. Our third and fourth children were born. I was promoted twice. We lived in four different cities within a couple of years.

We were glad that our lives then slowed down a little. We lived in two more cities before I left Schlumberger and went to work for an oil company in Long Beach, California. I have always had a warm spot in my heart for Ventura.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Voice. "If Music Be the Food of Love"

Voice is the name of a trio of singers from England. They sing mostly acapella and sing classical music. Such as medieval songs from France and Germany. And arrangements of traditional songs from England and Scotland.

They presented a program of love songs at Howard Hall on the campus of Louisiana Tech last night. I was there. The title of the program was as given in the title of this blog.

The Voice was joined in one number by the Louisiana Tech Chamber Singers.

I do not want to hear any more talk about me not having no culture.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Northeast Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society. February, 2016

We had a good meeting yesterday. The meeting was called to order by President Clarence White.

Clarence introduced Margaret Rivoire. Margaret gave an excellent talk on the history of Carnivals with particular reference to the Mardi Gras. It was interesting that the word Carnival is from "get rid of the meat". Part of the reason for gorging on Fat Tuesday is to use up the food that could not be kept good during the fasting period. I enjoyed Margaret's talk.

Clarence passed out copies of the Society's Bylaws with proposed amendments. We will vote on these proposed amendments at th March meeting.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Breakfast at the Unionville Store.

Gourmet breakfast with great company.

Good light to get a pic of the fine old store. Est. 1853.

This old wood stove does a fine job. Keeps biscuits and gravy hot and me warm.

Chef Walter. He is proud of his new apron.

I do not know why but the food tastes delicious in this old building. I really enjoy it. Could it be that Walter is a good cook? 

Friday, February 12, 2016

IHOP Brunch with Rosa Lee Blakley.

Rosa and I had brunch at IHOPs and then went for a walk in the Mall. Neither of us had been in a Mall for a long time and it was exciting.

Rosa and I could not get enough of watching the merry go round in the Pecan Land Mall.

Rosa and her home in Monroe.

Rosa told me how much she loved the people (clients and staff) she worked with at Jefferson Corner. She sends her best regards.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

VFW Meeting. February 11, 2016.

Nice meeting. Beautiful day. Delicious meal. Good company.

View of the back of the Military Museum from the porch of the VFW building. I thought that it was an interesting picture.

Front of the VFW building.

JD Harper conducted the meeting.

The best diesel mechanic in the area gave the financial report. He then made a 21 minute trip to Ryans to pick the meal. (I like to time things,)

The old post is sorta attractive even if it is coming apart around us. It is 70 years old.

The black cloth around the Post Charter behind JD was placed there in memory of a comrade who recently passed away. A Mr Rainwater.

The remains of our delicious lunch.

Friday, February 5, 2016

My 95 year old buddy (and his girlfriend) were at the basketball game last night.

The girls from Rice came to play our Techsters. It was one of the most exciting basketball games that I have seen this season. The scores of the two teams were never more that three apart. The winner was not decided until the final bell. We won!

Their coach.

Our coach.

I went down at half time and joined Tommy and Susie. In 1,627 days I will be 95. Maybe I will have a girlfriend then. I guess that I am not mature enough yet.