Thursday, April 30, 2015

Two good old friends of mine.

This is Tommy Ledford and Rhonda Ray. Tommy and I drove to Harts Corner for lunch today. Miss Rosa said no charge, just a smile. This is no problem for Tommy, who is always smiling. So is Rhonda. They are both very nice people and a pleasure to be with.

Lunch was a delicious meat loaf. Very very good.

81 days to 90.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Softball in the rain.

I went to the Techster softball game this evening. Tech was playing Steven F Austin University. I was sitting on the lawn by the fence. Here is my view.

Not a bad view. You do not mind looking through the wire. That is the pitcher in the above picture. It started to rain. The stands emptied except for a few fans with umbrellas.

The old prune picker went to his car and got his umbrella. My jacket is water proof.

The score was tied 4 to 4 at the end of five innings. In the bottom of the sixth inning the Techsters made four runs and won the game 8 to 4. Hooray!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Bunny Report. 2 weeks old.

John Adams grows good looking bunnies don't you think? The grey mother had a litter of nine and has not lost one. That is the litter in the picture. Notice the brown bunny named Blaze. You can recognized her by the white blaze on her nose. The white mother has lost some babies, but still has five. The Adams Farm has 14 beautiful new rabbits.

84 days to 90th.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

A very nice birthday party.

Today is the 42nd birthday of my grand daughter Joy. My son in law, John Adams treated us to a meal at the Olive Garden Restaurant in Monroe. Then we adjourned to Joy's house for cup cakes baked by her sons. (Very good)

The Newberry Family at the Olive Garden.

Cupcakes with a Baylor University scheme.

Good job! Joy.

We wish you the very best. And many Happy Birthdays.

Techster softball. Double header with North Texas.

I think that softball games are always in weather that is too cold or too hot. Today was too hot. For the first game I sat in the stands and tried to stay in the shade, that kept moving. For the second game I sat on the lawn and held an umbrella against the sun.

The LaTech softball girls are playing real good. Home runs now and then, good hitting otherwise, and hardly any errors. It is fun to watch them play. They won both games of the Saturday double header and the single game on Sunday. Swept the series. I could not go Sunday.

Star Spangled Banner.

An award to Coach Robinson for 400 lifetime wins.

Good hitter.

This fan had a nice picture of the player she was rooting for!

The Alma Mater salute.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Reduced the chicken flock.

The Adams Farm decided that there was too much cleaning up to do for the six chickens. The big white "Gentle Giants" really do a job. The beautiful bantam rooster just crowed too much and too loud!

The flock gave up two white hens and the rooster. Given to a farm down the road. Now have only two white hens and one black hen. It sure is quiet around here. Less cleaning up, but less eggs. Much less to photograph.

Two for a drink at the waterfall.

87 days to 90th.

Stan Kenton Band. Every 74 years I attend a concert.

In the summer of 1941 I was 15 and living in Pomona, California. Some friends and I would drive to the beach. A 41 mile ride. We usually went  to Long Beach but often to Orange County beaches. One of these was the Balboa Island Beach in Newport Harbor. Next to the sand was the Rendezvous Ballroom. Often we would go in the Ballroom to listen to the big bands. I can remember Bob Crosby and his Bobcats. Particularly interesting was the Stan Kenton Band.  The Stan Kenton Band was brand new. It was a big loud band that had a different sound from the other big bands. We were not sure we liked the sound. We were used to Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, and Benny Goodman. The band went on to a very successful career. Still going!

In the summer of 2015 I am  89 and living in Ruston, Louisiana. I go to a lot of Bluegrass Concerts. I read in the newspaper that the Stan Kenton Legacy Band was giving a concert in the Ruston High School Auditorium. Stan has long ago passed away and the Rendezvous Ballroom has burned down.

I thought "it has been 74 years since I attended a Stan Kenton concert. I should go" I did last night and it was great! What a nostalgia trip.

Ruston High Auditorium. (never had been there)

Fancy new music stands.

There they are, Five trumpets, five trombones, five saxophones, a drummer, a piano player, and a bass player.

You do not see this instruments in a big jazz band very often. Stan is different.

Ginger Berglund. A great band singer.

Big saxophone.

I have always been a fan of the bass, Jennifer Leitham, is super talented and plays left handed.

89 days to 90th.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Got gasoline at the right time, right price!

I filled up the car at 6 am this morning at the Exxon Station on I-20. I paid $2.14 as the sign said.

At this time across the freeway at the Texaco Station the price was $2.35!

The Chevron Station next door to Exxon was charging $2.29. 

I am sure that Exxon was a little behind time and their price is up now. Just think, Texaco was 21 cents higher than Exxon. Kinda weird.

91 days to 90.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Bunny Report.

On my last farm report I stated that according to my calculations (31 days) the two does were due on April 13 and April 14. They gave birth per schedule and each bunny had 8 little ones. This is a picture of the white bunny litter at one day old.

The gray bunny leaves her litter covered with wool. Can not get a photo of her young.

Here are two photos of the white bunny liter at five days old.

They have some fuzz now.

92 days to 90th.

Claiborne Electric Co-op. 2015 Stock holders meeting.

John and I are stockholders so we attended the meeting today. (We pay them for our electric service) Free lunch, free bluegrass music, and a chance to win some great door prizes. The meeting was held in the Tech basketball court.

These ladies registered us and gave us lunch and door prize tickets.

The Lonesome River Band. They were good.

CEO Mark Brown had this gentleman lead us in prayer.

This group delivered the door prizes. John and I won none,

93 days to my 90th.