Friday, February 27, 2015

WWII Luncheon. Friday, 27/Feb/2015

This was a luncheon and program honoring veterans of World War II. Several hundred veterans and guests gathered in Haban Hall at the Barksdale Air Force Base in Shreveport, Louisiana. My son in law John Adams drove me over and joined me in the program. John is a nice guy. We have been to this affair before several years ago, but we enjoyed the program again. Several veteran friends from Ruston were also there.

Col (Ret) Steve dePyssler, along with the 2nd Bomber Wing, host these programs. Thank you very much. Col Steve will be 96 in July. He may give up hosting.

The Col commented that he is the only living veteran who had served in four wars.

Following are many pictures taken by John and I. Comments are added here and there.

John is checking his iphone. Getting ready to take pictures.

Old friend Robert Rinehart and his grand daughter Jessica. They sat at the same table with John and I.

Mr and Mrs James Falin on the left, with their family.

Tommy Ledford and friends. 

Big crowd. Notice the large orchestra.

How can you have a military honors program without a bagpiper?

Tommy Ledford I and Tommy Ledford II approach the handshakes with generals area.

The old prunepicker and Robert Rinehart in same line.

Notice the airmen with sabers.

Three stars. He had a firm hand shake too.

Prune picker the photographer.

I did not know that the air force used sabers. Even Mosby's Raiders had given them up in 1861. Mosby's men preferred two colt revolvers.

I asked this general for an explanation for each ribbon on his chest. He laughed and said that he did not have the list with him and some he had forgotten.

I also received a goody bag. Two caps, a tee shirt, and a medallion.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Winter Storm. February 2015.

I headed down to the Senior Center for lunch today. The snow was heavy. After a mile I turned around and went back home. I had chicken noodle soup for lunch. Tasted good. Here are some pictures of the snow storm.

Cold Koi pond.

Cold deck.

Busy Goldfinches.

Squirrel having lunch upside down.

Felix the cat studying the birds.

White woods.

The Adams house across the driveway.

Driveway looks rugged.

Home sweet home for the old prunepicker.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Old Pomona Pictures. I am going to take a vacation from blogging. See you?

These pictures are from the Facebook page of Elizabeth Cole. A nice lady from Pomona. She posted therm on "Growing up in Pomona, California wasn't so bad at all." Thank you Elizabeth. I love your pictures.

I saw this scene all the time growing up in Pomona. Many depression meals from these trees.

Pomona Post Office. What model year are those cars?

Pomona Rose Bowl Float. 1938.

Center of town, Second and Gary.

New car show in front of the Fox Theatre. 1934. I was nine years old.

I plan to give up blogging for just a little while. My stuff is such a mess. I have had the sad job of cleaning up after loved ones who have passed away. It is a tough sad job. I hope to make the job easier for those that clean up after me. I can save them a lot of work by throwing out stuff myself.

Monday, February 16, 2015

I must clean house!

Drove home in the rain this morning with my coffee from Jefferson Corner.

Wet driveway.

Wet porch and steps.

View from front door into living room.

View from kitchen into dinette area.

View from kitchen into living room.

These views show about a third of my 400 square foot home. It looks a little sloppy, huh? I do not want to leave such a mess. Much of this stuff needs to be tossed out or given to Good Will.

Have to get off the duff and on the vacuum cleaner.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

North Louisiana Bluegrass Club. Meeting on 2-14-2015.

We had a good time. Four bands and everyone got a door prize!

The Bayou Valley Boys.

Sandy Hill

Sandy Hill has a lady singer. Her name is Melony Dunn. Believe it or not Melony is my nurse at the VA Clinic in Monroe. She sings real good, and weighs me and takes my temperature and blood pressure on my visits to my Doctor in Monroe.

The Wilson Family.