Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday Night Basketball. 1/31/2015 vs Marshall.

In the first half we went from 11 down to 7 up! 7 up is better. We won by 24 points. The funest part of the evening was the company I had. From the right. Grandson in law David. Grand daughter Joy, Son in law John, and Great grandson Ross. I am so glad they came to the game.

Four tuba game.

I met Champ

Isn't he handsome?

Friday, January 30, 2015

Was Cousin John W Munson a dude? Did he enjoy the Civil War?

I have been reading----

John joined Mosby's Raiders at 15 and was dressed like this---

Is that a cape? Nice boots. Suit with vest------

Mosby's Raiders were permitted to split the loot from raids and pocket it. One time they captured the payroll for a Union Army division. Each man received $2100. Many bought fine clothes in the North. John did. Read this from his book------

Here is a later picture of John. He is the man seated on the left----

Maybe war is not always hell?----

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Bulldog Basketball Game tonight. 1-29-2015.

At stake. Undefeated at home. Now 22 games. After tonight 23 games. Western Kentucky University undefeated in League play. A win gives us the lead. We got it.

Six tuba game.

WKU has pretty basketball clothes.

Could only get the left ear of Rightear.

Loyal fans.

Loyal fans.

Loyal fan.

Cheer leaders and pom pom girls.

Fast hard game.

Speedy is fun to watch.

Loyal fans.

Loyal fans.


Yeah! 69 to 56.

Champ posing with a fan.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Want some proof of my grandiose claim? Here is a picture of Bella Coffey. She lives in Hanford, California. She is my great great great grandniece. She is a very sweet person. Don't you think that she is nice looking?

I do not believe that I have any other great great great great grandnieces.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lily Monson. My youngest grand daughter is 22.

And more beautiful than ever. She is the daughter of my son Mike and lives in Fresno.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Los Angeles County Fairgrounds. Pomona, California. 1942.

I came across this picture the other day on the internet.

This is where I visited with a friend through the chain link fence. My friend was Japanese. We lived in the same area of South Pomona. We would walk to school together. His home was on my way to school. I would stop at his house and we would walk together the rest of the way to school.

I do not remember his name. I wish I did. I would try to contact him.

My brother in law Butch started his 40 year police career in the area shown in the picture. This group of tar paper buildings was one the many holding areas for West Coast Japanese after Pearl Harbor. I must have been with Butch and he had my friend come to the fence and visit with me. This visit, the picture of my friend behind the chain link fence, has stayed in my memory.

The picture above really renewed the memory.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Techsters beat Rice! 88 to 71.

Finally got to a basketball game after missing for a week (Flu). The Techsters are improving. They are fun to watch.

Four tuba game.

Right ear is listening to music? during the game? (Probably listening to the Bulldog game.)


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Munson's Hill

In 1851 a farmer from New York established an extensive nursery on a hill in the Falls Church area of Virginia. The farmer was a cousin of mine named Daniel O. Munson. The hill was a few miles out of Washington, DC. The hill was named Munson's Hill. The nursery was Munson's Hill Nursery.

When the Union Army lost the First Battle of Bull Run they withdrew all forces out of Northern Virginia. The Confederate Army occupied the area around Munson's Hill. Their sharpshooters could reach and kill many Union soldiers. With spy glasses the observers in Washington could see many ominous black cannon on Munson's Hill.

Soon the Confederate Army withdrew from Munson's Hill. Much to the chagrin of the Union Army the cannon was found out to be tree trunks painted black!  The following song was composed.

Munson' Hill Nursery was in business until the mid 1900s. It is now under the city. The Munson's Hill Towers covers some of the land.

Friday, January 23, 2015

More good looking chicken pictures.

Once in a while I get some good pictures of John's chickens. We get five eggs a day!

A close up of the odd couple.

She talks to me.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Civil War Battle of Warrenton Junction, Virginia.

Warrenton Junction is west of Washington, DC. In 1863 Mosby's Raiders attacked a Union Force there and had them surrounded. Everything was going their way. Then the 5th New York Calvary came to the rescue of the Union troops. They surprised the Mosby's Raiders and killed many. The rest took off. Mosby was wounded.

With Mosby was John Munson. A boy of 16 or 17. He was favored by Mosby. He told an aide that he liked Munson to ride with him when he was planning a raid because Munson would not talk and disturb his thoughts.

Munson and Mosby.

Captain Frank A Munson was with the 5th New York Cavalry. I do not know if the cousins knew that the other was there. I wonder if they shot at each other. They knew after the war because it was in the literature about the war. I am sure that there were many Civil War battles with Munson/Monsons on each side. It would be an interesting subject to explore.