Sunday, November 30, 2014

Score. 76 to 31. Basketball game?

No. It was the score of the Tech vs Rice game yesterday. I went to the game with John Morgan Adams and Ross John Newberry, Son in law and great grandson. I really enjoyed the game. Tech won.

See Ross with the team mascot?

Pietown, New Mexico

Just saw a Sunday Morning spot on Pietown, New Mexico. I mentioned Pietown in a blog four years ago.

Here is how you get there.

Here is a picture of some pies.

It is worth the drive.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Basketball. Samford University of Birmingham, Alabama. 11/28/2014.

Good game last night. Better game than indicated by the score.

Real sports fans and photogenic.

What a right ear!

Seven tuba game,

Hard played game. Fun to watch.

Friday, November 28, 2014


I called AT & T about some item and they put the hard sell on me to switch from Dish TV to Directv. Said they would reduce my cell phone bill by $50 per month. TV bill about the same but would get HD and many more channels. Hoping for ESPN and History.

Bit the bullet and had Directv installed today. I used Directv for 20 some years when Jackie and I were fulltime RVers. Soon as the trailer was parked i would try to get a satellite signal. I had 150 feet of cable to run the dish out. If I did not get a signal we would move our trailer until we did. Jackie and I were TV fans. Since the days of Gorgeous George and Wild Red Berry.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I take a cruise from Leyte to Okinawa.

There was 183,000 people with me on the cruise. The cruise ended on Easter Sunday of 1945. It was also April Fools Day, April 1, 1945. The code name for the landing day was Love Day (L-Day). On Easter Sunday morning we waded ashore on Okinawa

It required 1500 ships to carry all of us. I will never forget going out on deck and looking at the invasion fleet. You could look in all directions and see ships everywhere. 1500 ships silently plowing through the water. Think how about how much fuel oil we were burning!

This is the largest operation that I have ever been involved in. The photo below is an actual photo of a small part of the invasion fleet.  I count 33 ships in the photo. There were 1467 more ships out of view.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Christopher David Monson. Family Tree.

I have decided to concentrate my genealogical work on researching a family tree for my oldest son Chris. This will keep me busy for some time. (The rest of my life?) I plan to keep up my prune picker blog. I experimented with reducing the frequency of the prune picker blogs but I did not like it. I feel compelled to write a blog a day. I feel very uneasy when I skip a day. I will pull interesting stories out of the family tree to put in my blog.

The family tree of Chris will contain the tree data for his Mother and his Father. The tree would be the same for his siblings. I think that it will be a very challenging and interesting tree. The tree would go back to roots in:

1. England and early settlers in New England.
2. Ireland.
3. Choctaw Indian Tribe.
4. Swiss Germans in Central Europe.
5. Scotland.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Harry Baumgardner decides to check out.

Harry was the husband of my niece Dorothy. Harry and Dorothy lived in Roseburg, Oregon. Dorothy is the daughter of my sister Thelma Mott. I have stopped by several times to visit them. Harry had a Stinson airplane and took me up in it once. The plane had been built in 1947. I was scared the whole time we were up.

Harry was a jolly guy and a lot of fun to be with. He was one of my favorite people. I liked him a lot. He was a retired Petroleum Engineer. We had lots to talk about. 

I have learned that Harry has passed away. He had trouble with his esophagus. It allowed food to get in his lungs. He would get pneumonia often. He was told that he had to puree his food and to drink heavy water. Harry was 88. He said; " I have had a good life. I will not eat pureed food." He stopped eating and went home to die. Dorothy was with him until he passed away. God bless him. He was a good guy. I miss him.

This is a picture of Harry and Dorothy taken the last time I visited them in 2012.

This news really makes me think about what I would decide in such a circumstance. I have to admire the bravery of Harry. His decision seems to me to be what you would expect from the Harry I knew.

After thinking about it for a day, I believe that I would eat pureed food to stay alive. Harry may have had, and probably did, have other health issues.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Johnny Lynn made me a Christmas Tree.

She used a cone, frosting, and M and Ms. Very clever. I love it!

Six new rabbits on the Adams Farm.

They were born about a week ago. Some eyes are open and they are growing fuzz. John has built a new hutch to put the two males in so that the mother and her six kids can have some peace and quiet.

Male quarters on the right. In the new hutch.

The new Mom!

Six little guys in a pile of fur. Some eyes open. Notice the spots on one of them.

I think that this grey guy is the Dad. (The spots gave him away.)

Monday, November 25, the temperature dropped below freezing for several hours. All of the baby rabbits froze to death. We are all so blue. Hopefully a new litter will happen and we will be better prepared.

Basketball weekend.

The Louisiana Tech Bulldogs have three basketball games this weekend. Friday night they played Morehead from Kentucky. Last night they played American University from Washington, DC. Tonight they play Presbyterian from Clinton, South Carolina. I will be at all of these games.

Friday night. Bulldogs vs Morehead.

Justin is sending a note to the Coach.

The back of Rightear's right ear.

Saturday night. Bulldogs vs American University.

Rightear with family.

Coach White has some tips for the Bulldogs.

This young man is saying "What are you doing to my hand, Old Man?"

Sunday afternoon. Bulldogs vs Presbyterian.

Carolyn and Skip were at all three weekend games. With members of their family.

These guys wipe the floors during time outs.

We won all three games. The Bulldogs have not lost a game at home for a long time.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

John's Chickens Update.

I really enjoy John's chickens. They are handsome!