Wednesday, October 31, 2012

History Lecture at Tech.

I attended a history lecture on the Tech campus by a Tech history professor last night. The subject was the Reagan- Carter debate in 1980. There was much comparison with the current presidential race. There were one to two hundred students in attendance.

Professor David Anderson gave a good talk. This is the first of a series of lectures on history that will be held at Tech this winter. I enjoyed the talk. It was interesting to be on the campus in the evening. There have been several articles on this talk in the Ruston paper. They all said that the lecture was free and the public was invited. Sounded good to me. I am not positive but I think that I was the only public present at the lecture.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Work place of a blogger, memoir writer, bylaw revisionist, amateur genealogist, and historian..

This is my place. Note apple computer on table and windows computer on side desk. I think that I need to get better organized. It would be nice to see out the window also! I might even vacuum.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Funny looking baby cow.

On the way to lunch today I passed this cow and baby.

I took a second look and some more pictures.

Maybe it is a little horse that has been adopted?

Rhonda's Fashion Show.

I get up five days a week at 4 AM so I can get to Rhonda's Fashion Show at 5 AM at Jefferson Corner. The show used to feature shorts but not lately. It is about 35 degrees most mornings now.

I guess Rhonda did not notice the holes in her pants..

This blouse required a little button work. Tommy Boddie was glad to help out.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Chiminea hotdogs.

John and Ross gathered around the old chiminea stove and cooked hot dogs for supper.

Football. Claiborne vs Riverbend.

A little cold in West Monroe at the football game of my great grandson Ross today. Number 2 of the Riverbend team was a big guy. I was hoping that Ross did not play against him.

Grandpa John and Grandma Kerry were there cheering Ross.

Ross is the Coach's right hand man. Ready to go in.

After game pep talk.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Jefferson Corner. Deer Season Opening Day!

Camouflage every where. The deer hunters really poured through Jefferson Corner this morning. Brenda and Latanka were really busy.

Many Father-Son Teams.

The Jefferson Corner Liars Club was well represented in the deer hunters.

What a busy place.

Don't you appreciate all this effort to protect the world from deer?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wild turkeys on Wafer Road

John took picture yesterday. There are about a dozen turkeys. On Wafer Road near Mitcham Orchard Road.

Basketball.LaTech Bulldogs vs Arkansas University at Monticello.

Hooray! First basketball game of the year. Although we won pretty big it was a fun exciting game to watch. They all seemed to move so fast!

Thomas Stadium at night.

It was a six tuba game. There was a full complement of cheer leaders.

There is that right ear again!

There was a big bulldog in the the stadium.

The Regal Blue do a great routine at half time.

Musical chairs. Two boys and only one chair.

While I was enjoying the game this young man was hard at work. He is Michael White the Tech coach.

72 to 44. It was a better game than the score suggests.