Saturday, March 31, 2012

Poverty Point

Poverty Point is the site of a huge mound building site. The name is from the farm that contained the site. Not a very happy name.

Indians built mounds in Louisiana for 5000 years. What is striking is that the mounds were built by a hunter-gathering society. Food was so plentiful that thousands of people could be fed by fellow citizens. Some mounds are a hundred feet high. Millions of basket loads of dirt had to be carried to the mounds.

I enjoyed my visit, The State of Louisiana is doing a great job on this historic monument. I want to go back.

This is the highest mound at Poverty Point

Friday, March 30, 2012

Andrew M Munson, Barb wire fence man.

Andrew is a distant cousin who lived in Lee, Illinois. He had six patents on barb wire between 1879 and 1893.

If I was a steer I do not think that I would like Munson's Double Z

Jim Mize Track Meet a week from tomorrow.

In walking around the track at Tech lately I have been seeing all the preparations for the upcoming track meet. There is only one track meet a year at Tech and I am looking forward to it. I was introduced to the world of track by my son Michael many years ago.

This is a view of the new swimming pool building from the track. In two weeks we tour the pool building and start using it. New water!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Albert L Munson, blacksmith-inventer.

A distant cousin, Albert L Munson, has twenty patents listed. They date from 1866 to 1871. The patents were for items in fire arms, cigarette manufacturing, and furniture. During this time he lived in New Haven, New York, and Hartford. The title sheet from one of his patents is shown below.

The item below is not a patent. It is comments about a 36 caliber muzzle loader rifle made by Albert. It is from a news letter of shooting aficionados. The muzzle loader is dated 1871. Albert kept busy.

Nancy and Annie.

This is a nice picture of Nancy, my oldest daughter and travel agent/companion, and her oldest daughter Annie. They are a lot of fun!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The platform on tight wad hill.

In the middle of February the platform looked like this.

A nice place to watch the baseball game. Last night while watching Tech play Northwestern I noticed that the platform was not being used. I made a trip to behind the fence to check it out.

There was not any trace of the platform. Tech had removed it. The fans on tightwad hill are a little upset and now have to watch from up by the RR tracks.

Last night was  greek night. The sorority girls get points for attending the game. The stands were full.

View of tight wad hill from the stands.

The sight barrier for the train is now back up. No need for time out when a train goes by.

We won the game 8 to 2!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gravy by Bob E at the VFW

Today I went to the Tuesday morning VFW breakfast. This pot of delicious home made gravy was on the stove.

Looking at the pot with pride was Bob Eskanazy (Bob E) and JD Harper. The gravy was by Bob, the biscuits and sausage by JD.

We all agreed that breakfast was great. Thanks to Bob and JD.

Tuesday weigh in. Yeah! 229 #

I am excited about the weight of 229#. It has been years since I have been below 230#. Now for 219#. Last week I walked 14 miles or an average of two miles per day. Will try to increase this. I have been walking twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

Look at that blood pressure, will ya?

Date Weight Waist Temp BP High BP Low Pulse Miles
1/3/12 252 50.8 96.9 134 66 69 8.5
1/10/12 248 50.1 96.8 136 63 67 7.6
1/17/12 247.4 50.3 96.2 135 62 74 7.5
1/24/12 252.4 50.9 96.4 141 70 66 8
1/31/12 248.2 50.3 96.3 134 61 68 10.7
2/7/12 243.8 50.1 96.5 130 64 64 11.1
2/14/12 241.2 50.9 96.6 133 66 75 9.5
2/21/12 240.2 50.5 96.6 121 62 70 6.3
2/28/12 239.2 50.5 96.5 140 61 62 11.6
3/6/12 234.8 49.7 96.2 128 60 62 11.8
3/13/12 233 49.6 96.2 126 58 63 14.3
3/20/12 232.8 50.3 96.2 125 61 63 16
3/27/12 229 49.8 96.7 116 59 62 14

Monday, March 26, 2012

Primitive Camping way out at the Lincoln Parish Park.

Kerry, John and I went out to visit Joy, David, Ethan, Ross, and Ethan yesterday. They left home in West Monroe after Church and drove some 40 miles to the Primitive Camping Area at the Lincoln Parish Park in Ruston.

It sure is rugged country. There was fishing, walking, and chess playing.

The Newberrys are rugged. When we left them, they were starting a fire to cook hot dogs on!