Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ernestine George Retires.

After many many years Mrs George retired from the Skip Russell Insurance Agency. She had the biggest cake and was given the nicest watch I have ever seen. Here is a picture of Ernestine at her Retirement. Behind her is her husband LC George. LC is a famous handyman and AC repairman. It has been said that he has made a living for forty years with a screw driver and a can of Freon.

Many pictures were taken.

This is Ernestine's old office. It looks so nice.

I want to congratulate Ernestine on her career and retirement. Instead of spending her days with Skip, she is going to spend them with LC. She does not seem to ever win. 

Photo collages of Jefferson Corner Christmas 2011

Above are three photo collages of the photos I took at the Jefferson Corner Christmas Party last week. The collages  have appealed to some. I am posting them on my blog so prints can be made.

Happy New Year!
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Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy Birthday!

My great grandson Christian Steven Newberry is three years old today. Some how he never did learn about the terrible twos!

My wife Jackie would have been 86 today.

LaTech Techsters play LSU.

I had company to go with me to the game. My grand daughter Joy and her son Ross. Ross is a great grandson. Joy took this picture, I am sorta smiling.

It was a tough game. Coach T-Spoon was clearly stressed as the taller stronger LSU team won.

We lost! 66 to 55.

LaTech Bulldogs play Spring Hill College.

Spring Hill is a Jesuit College in Mobile, Alabama. I knew that they were in trouble when I counted the suits. Tech had the usual seven.

Spring Hill only had two! and one of them had his coat off!

Good game with Sumo wrestling at the half time.

Tech won big. 69 to 41.

This fan had his finger up for himself and his family.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas fireworks four days late.

It has been so busy that John and his grandsons did not get around to the Christmas fireworks until the 29th. Light em and run!

Lots of smoke and noise. It was fun.

Travel Books

I sure have travel books. Lots of pages with small print. My grand daughter Joy just gave me a book by Rick Steves on England. It sure looks good. I have previously been given books by my daughter Nancy. Two on England and one on Normandy. Nancy and Joy are sweet. They want me to be a prepared traveler. I really appreciate their thoughtfulness.

I have 132 days to read the books!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

William Munson. 1747-1826.

William Munson is a distant cousin who served during the entire Revolutionary War. One of his assignments was the siege of Quebec. The list of the baggage that he lost on the retreat from Quebec is in The Munson Record. A portion of the list is below.

William later obtained the rank of Captain. 

He was appointed by President George Washington to Surveyor of Customs. He served in that office until his death 33 years later. The instrument by which he was appointed was signed by Washington as President and by Jefferson as Secretary of State on Feb. 20, 1793.

I believe that the office of Surveyor of Customs was for the port of New Haven, Connecticut.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Jam at the VFW.

We really have an assortment of jams at the Tuesday morning breakfast at the VFW Post. There is a jar for each person.

James Fallin is in charge of cleaning the jars and putting the lids back on.

Tommy Ledford thought that he had better supervise the job.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Henry A Munson 1814-1877.

Henry is a distant cousin of mine. I read about him in The Munson Record. I also googled him. He had a role in an interesting phase in history. He was an assistant of Samuel F. B. Morse for 19 to 20 years.

Samuel Morse
He helped Morse develop a revolutionary method for printing maps in color.The method was named cerography. Later he helped in the development of the telegraph. A person is quoted in The Munson Record saying that Henry developed the code that is now in use as the Morse Code.

Five pound challenge status.

OK. I paid five bucks to join the water class holiday weight challenge. If I can keep my weight gain between 11/21 and 1/2 under five pounds I win a tee shirt.  The shirt is a stylish red this year. Look at my card. 249.8 minus 245.2 equals .6 pounds. Can I keep my weight gain for this next week under .6 pounds? I am going to try.

I have never weighed over 250 pounds in my life. What am I doing at this weight range?

I must change my eating regime.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011 at Joy's.

John an I were up early for Christmas breakfast at the Waffle House. Our usual waitress Grandma Becky  greeted us. She is a more like an old friend than a waitress. We exchanged some stories and Christmas wishes.

John loaded Kerry's van with grandson gifts and we headed for Joy and David's in West Monroe. Their cat was really excited about our visit.
After a delicious dinner the gifts were laid out.

Ethan, Ross, and Christian got to work.

Ross got a scooter that really goes!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

My five sisters.

I ran across this happy picture of my five sisters. I do not have many pictures of the five together. Seeing it warmed my heart on this cold Christmas Eve. They were just as sweet as they look. I estimate that the picture was taken around 1940 when I was a teenager. Standing from the left is Nita, Thelma, Donna, and Jean. Sitting in front is Dallas. Dallas was my only living sibling who just passed away at the age of 98.  I have many happy memories of my sisters.

Nita did the Charleston for me and made biscuits and salt pork gravy.
Thelma made ice cream and sent me fruit cakes over seas.
Donna made waffles with walnuts in them and made a wonderful 1000 island dressing,
Jean gave me dimes for the Saturday movie and bought school shoes for me.
Dallas made me pancakes with Karo syrup.

I remember food, huh?  They all put me up from time to time and gave me loving attention.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!