Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A visit with Dan Fallin.

I had a visit with Dan Fallin today. He is doing good. He has a nice suite at the Arbor Rest home

Dan will be 99 on January 23. I am looking forward to visiting him on his 100th birthday. Dan was an ambulance driver for the the 7th Armored Division that spearheaded Patton's advance across Europe. He said that he saw Patton numerous times. He is a fine gentleman. He served as Commander of the VFW post in the past. He was an electrician before he retired. He is not going to renew his driver's license on his birthday and is hanging up his car keys. He keeps busy with exercise and bingo at the Arbor.


Holiday Weight Challenge

It is that time of year again. Time for the Holiday Weight Challenge by the Louisiana Water Exercise Class. I pay $5 to join. If I do not gain overt 5 pounds between November 21 and January 2  I win a tee shirt. This year it is a red tee shirt. I barely won the tee shirt last year. Last year my starting weight was 243.5 pounds. I bulked up for the contest this year. My starting weight, as you can see on the card was 245,2 pounds.

If you see me turning down second helpings over the Christmas Season, you know that visions of red tee shirts are dancing in my head!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mysterious building in Vienna.

In April I noticed a different kind of building going up in Vienna.

In May it looked like this.

The other night (November) it looked like this. With lights on.

One of these days I am going to knock on the door and ask "what is going on?"

Figs for breakfast.

JD Harper fixed his usual delicious breakfast at the VFW this morning. A special treat was a jar of fig preserves. Richard Jones brought the figs. Mrs Jones had put up the figs which were from Mitcham Orchard. The figs were delicious and went good with JD's eggs, sausage, sweet potato fries, and biscuits.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Three great grandsons who live in Corona, California.

This is a recent picture of Jack, Max, and Charlie Shafai. I saw them in January of this year. They have really grown in the months since then. They are the beloved children of my grand daughter Annie and her husband Paymaan Shafai. I love them too.

Johnny Lynn and John Morgan crack nuts.

Son in law John Morgan Adams and his grand daughter Johnny Lynn Miller work over a bowl of nuts.

Kerry Lee Adams checks them out.

Kerry has a cute, funny looking turkey!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A statement of my belief.

I may not be a Christian but I am a very close fellow traveller. I have been taught Christian principles and I have studied Christianity for eighty years. Ladies, starting with my maternal grandmother, told me Bible stories from a young age. At times in my life I have spent much time in Church and Bible study classes. I have read the Bible, some parts many times. I have been to several Billy Graham meetings, and many other revivals. I have heard hundreds of alter calls. I have always been very interested in religion and philosophy. I enjoy theological discussions. I have read, studied, and considered. I think that I have been well churched and educated in Christianity.

I love Christian people and enjoy being with them. I love the stories and music of Christianity. I listen to a lot of gospel music. I have several CDs of gospel music and listen to them in my car. I agree with many of the teachings of Christianity. I enjoy and agree with the saying of grace. Opening prayers at various functions are fine with me. When I tell someone that I am praying for him or her, I do pray.

However, I am unable to believe in vicarious atonement. I cannot believe that someone must die to save my soul. I do not know how my soul is saved or if it will be saved. I hope for the best. Normally I am very reticent to talk about religion. I have no desire to convert people to my belief. I really do not have a belief and I am not even an adamant non-believer. I am not an atheist or an agnostic. I consider that I am a seeker.

I have made this statement because in recent years members of my family, and friends, who are concerned about my salvation, have approached me. I love them and I am very grateful for their concern for me. I thank them. I pray for them, and for myself. However, I am at peace with my belief or unbelief. I doubt very much that my mind can be changed. I hope that this statement might allay the concerns of my family and friends.

As Tiny Tim said “God bless us every one!”

Saturday, November 26, 2011

One of my favorite pictures of Johnny Lynn.

Johnny Lynn Miller is my great grand daughter fron Franklinton, Louisiana. She is visiting Ruston over Thanksgiving and I have been busy taking her picture. This one is one of my favorite JL pictures from the past.

I think that she is telling me what I can do with my camera.

These pictures are from this Thanksgiving.

She has her turkey suit on in the last two pictures.

Friday, November 25, 2011

My lunch potatoes came from Sugar City, Idaho.

The sign on the wall said so. The sign also says the potatoes are from Tibbets Farms. I always like to know where and by who my potatoes were grown.

I had a hot dog at Five Guys in West Monroe on Black Friday.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Race for the shoes.

During halftime at the Techster basketball game on Tuesday night they held a race for the shoes, Many children lined up on one end of the basketball court. They then removed their shoes All of the shoes were place in front of the basketball basket. Get ready, get set, go! The participants raced to the far end on the court and then back to put on their shoes. I did not get who won, but it was a fun race to watch.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Techsters played UALR last night.

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock gave us a tough game, much tougher than indicated by the final score. They were ahead by 7 points early in the game.

Coach T-Spoon is an impressive presence. 

Many loyal fans were at the game.

The cheer leaders have good balance.

The Techsters really hustled.

The Techsters prevailed. 64 to 48.

The victory salute. A finger pointing upward.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A walk in the park.

Rhonda stood me up this morning. (She had work to do.) So when I walked alone I was able to look around at the scenery. I am usually busy looking into Rhonda's eyes. Rhonda is an adopted grand daughter. She is too young to be an adopted daughter. I thought these two views were kinda nice.

I see many lovely views driving around this area right now. The fall colors are great.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Chairman of Lincoln Council on Aging.

Today was my first meeting. 34 minutes long. I was stressed but it will get easier.

Pictures of the stressed  directors after the meeting.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fall pictures at dawn.

These are pictures of the backyard at the Adams's new home. My trailer is going to be parked in the front yard. The fall colors are all over this area. Just now beginning ti leave.

Notice the bridge over Adams Creek. I do not know the load limit.