Sunday, October 31, 2010

Brunch with the Farleys

I was invited to Sunday Brunch by my good friends, Sue and Jewette Farley. The Brunch was at the Squire Creek Country Club near Ruston. I was delighted. The food was great and the Farleys are fun to be with.  I want to thank them very much for the invitation.

The richest man in Lincoln Parish sat at the next table. I was impressed that Jewette exchanged greetings with this man. Jewette said that he and the  man had gone to high school together. However, the man was better at math and had built his Father's small trucking business into a multi-million dollar business.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Breakfast at Ryan's

John and Kerry Adams having breakfast at Ryan's on Saturday morning with their grandsons, Ethan, Ross, and Christian. Kerry's father was there too.
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Friday, October 29, 2010


Last night was the second night in a row that I went to the basketball stadium. Wednesday was a basketball rally, last night was for a Techster volleyball game.

The Techsters won three straight.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Preseason Basketball Rally.

The basketball gym jumped last night! The band played, 24 cheerleaders led cheers, the Royal Blues danced , the boy (Bulldogs) and girl (Techsters) team members were introduced, and the Techster coach, Teresa "Spoon" Witherspoon rode out onto the middle of the Karl Malone Court on a loud and big Harley!

The Bulldogs.

The Techsters.

The Royal Blues.

After a very fast and rigorous practice session Spoon rode off on the Harley. I wonder what Karl thought about a Harley on the floor he donated

The season starts next week. I will be there.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The 2 of 9.

This a a picture of me and my sister Dallas. The picture was taken about 1930. I would have been 5 and Dallas 17. She was so beautiful! Dallas was always a good buddy to me. We are the only ones left of nine siblings.

Dallas 80 years later at the grand age of 97.

Chuck 80 years later at the grand age of 85.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Louisiana School for the Blind.

A heart wrenching sight in Ruston is of students at the Louisiana School for the Blind making their way around downtown. Can you think how sad it would be to be blind? It is a heart warming sight to see the student's courage and dedication.

The students live in different areas around downtown and can be seen following routes to classes and also for practice.
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Monday, October 25, 2010

Old Family Portrait 53 years old.

I kinda like this old beat up photo. From the left is Nancy Ann (age 10), Jackie (age 31), Michael Kevin (age 6 months), Kerry Lee (age 2), Chuck (age 31), and Christopher David (age 8).

The picture was taken in Taft, California in front of the home of Jackie's Aunt and Uncle. I believe it was taken early in 1957. The picture is an indication of a very happy part of Jackie's and Chuck's lives.

Jackie and I had two little families of two children born close to each other. Girl then Boy. The girls were unplanned and the boys were planned so that the girls would have a playmate. There is six years between the two families. You might say that the girls were accidents and the boys were not.
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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bluegrass Gospel at Temple Baptist.

Temple Baptist had a nine hour Bluegrass Festival on Saturday. I enjoyed several hours of good picking and grinning!

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bowling at Tech.

Because I am a student at Louisiana Tech and have a student body card I was able to host the Newberrys to bowling at Tech. Tech has a state of the art bowling alley with scoring machines. It is really a nice facility. In the same building are basketball courts, racquetball courts, exercise machines, table tennis and pool tables. The place was busy when we went bowling on Friday night.

Ethan and Ross have improved their game!

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Senator throwing beads.

Senator Mary Landrieu joined in the festivities of the Parade at Franklinton..

Thursday, October 21, 2010

99th Annual Washington Parish Fair and Parade

The Fair is really a big deal here. All Franklinton Schools shut down for a week.

In the Parade were tractors.

There were about 20 tractors!

Lots of spectators.

John was up reaching for candy and a boy on a float threw him some and yelled "Here you are Old Man!" John was tickled. I guess he was proud to be taken for an old man.

There were bands.

And the Navy Jazz Band from New Orleans.

Three nice ladies. Katie and Johnny Miller and Mrs John Adams.

John likes beads!

Lots of horses.

And Queens.

The Navy Band played at the Fairgrounds.

My grandson in law, Justin Miller, works for Magee. I hope they sell a lot of cars!

More bands!

Don't let the fair get by you!
Roxy, the Miller's dog is sure good looking.